
1. overall wall setup

Type aligment height for works in decimal numbers e.g. mm or inches to 2 decimal places

This field is required

Type total width of wall or wall section

This field is required

Type number of work positions on wall/section

This field is required

2. horizontal spacing

Type width of work 1

This field is required

Type width of work 2

This field is required

Type width of work 3

This field is required

Type width of work 4

This field is required

Type width of work 5

This field is required

Type width of work 6

This field is required

Type width of work 7

This field is required

Type width of work 8

This field is required

Type width of work 9

This field is required

Type total width of all other works if >9

This field is required
horizontal results
total width of works
space available between works
even space between all works including ends

not including ends

  • set inter-work calc group

    Type width of desired inter-work horizontal space for section with zero ends

    This field is required
    width of group
  • set group calc inter-work

    Type your target overall group width with zero ends

    This field is required
    inter-work space

3. individual work calculations

Type horizontal distance to previous work or wall edge

This field is required

Type your notes about the work here

This field is required

Type width of work

This field is required

Type the height of work

This field is required

Type work drop to fastener

This field is required

Type inside adjustment for work if 2 fasteners used

This field is required
  • mid-line at alignment
    height of work's fastener
    height of top edge
    height of lower edge
    previous edge to center
    if two fasteners:
    previous edge to 1st fastener
    distance from 1st to 2nd fastener
    distance from centerline to fasteners
  • top edges at alignment
    height of work's fastener
    height of lower edge
    previous edge to center
    if two fasteners:
    previous edge to 1st fastener
    distance from 1st to 2nd fastener
    distance from centerline to fasteners
  • lower edges at alignment
    height of work's fastener
    height of top edge
    previous edge to center
    if two fasteners:
    previous edge to 1st fastener
    distance from 1st to 2nd fastener
    distance from centerline to fasteners

Results area, math expressions can also be entered here

This field is required

1. overall wall setup

Alignment height =

Set section width =

Number of works =

2. horizontal spacing

Width 1 =

Width 5 =

Width 9 =

Width 2 =

Width 6 =

Width other =

Width 3 =

Width 7 =

Width 4 =

Width 8 =

Total width of works =

Total space available between works =

Even space between all works (inc ends) =

Options for end / inter-work space:

Set inter-work space = then first/end space =

Set first/end space = then inter-work space =

Set group inter-work = then group width =

3. current individual work calculations

To previous edge =

Individual work note =

Work width =

Work height =

Drop to fastener =

Inside adjust =

Vertical height of fastener(s) by alignment type

Mid-line aligned =

Top edges aligned =

Lower edges aligned =

Horizontal measurements

Previous work/edge to center =

If 2 fasteners, previous work/edge to 1st fastener =

distance from 1st to 2nd fastener =

and, distance from centerline to fasteners =

solo work



reference height

Type aligment height for works in decimal numbers e.g. mm or inches to 2 decimal places

This field is required

to previous edge

Type horizontal distance to previous work or wall edge

This field is required

work details

work width

Type width of work

This field is required

work height

Type the height of work

This field is required

drop to fastener

Type work drop to fastener

This field is required

if 2, inside adjust

Type inside d-ring adjustment for work if 2 fasteners used

This field is required


if measuring from previous work's fastener add adjustment to center or last fastener

previous inside adjust

Type inside adjustment from work edge to fastener of previous work, eg. to center fastener or to 2nd if two

This field is required

Type your note data here for printout

This field is required

vertical results

horizontal results

to previous edge
previous edge to center
if two fasteners:
previous edge to 1st fastener
distance from 1st to 2nd fastener
distance from centerline to fasteners
to previous fastener
previous fastener to center
if two fasteners:
previous fastener to 1st fastener
1. inputs

reference height =

to previous edge =

work width =

work height =

drop to fastener =

inside adjust =

option previous inside adjust =

2. vertical results
a) mid-line at ref height

fastener height =

top edge height =

lower edge height =

b) top edge at ref height

fastener height =

lower edge height =

c) lower edge at ref height

fastener height =

top edge height =

3. horizontal results

to previous edge

previous work/edge to center =

if 2 fasteners, previous work/edge to 1st fastener =

distance from 1st to 2nd fastener =

and, distance from centerline to fasteners =

to previous fastener

previous work's fastener to center =

previous work's fastener to 1st fastener =

horizontal spacing


Type total width of wall or wall section

This field is required

Type number of work positions on wall/section

This field is required

Type width of work 1

This field is required

Type width of work 2

This field is required

Type width of work 3

This field is required

Type width of work 4

This field is required

Type width of work 5

This field is required

Type width of work 6

This field is required

Type width of work 7

This field is required

Type width of work 8

This field is required

Type width of work 9

This field is required

Type total width of all other works if >9

This field is required


horizontal results
total width of works
space available between works
even space between all works including ends

not including ends

  • set inter-work calc group

    Type width of desired inter-work horizontal space for section with zero ends

    This field is required
    width of group
  • set group calc inter-work

    Type your target overall group width with zero ends

    This field is required
    inter-work space

vertical group

group overview

reference height

Type aligment height for vertical group in decimal numbers e.g. mm or inches to 2 decimal places

This field is required

number of works

number of works in vertical group

This field is required

even vertical space

even vertical space between works

This field is required
individual works

top-most work first
limit of 6
leave blank if unused

vertical inputs

work #

work height

drop to fastener


Type the vertical height of work 1

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 2

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 3

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 4

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 5

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 6 and above

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required
group height

group height

if target height

target group height

Type your target overall group height

This field is required

new even vertical space

vertical results

by reference type

horizontal inputs

work #

work width

inside adjust


Type the width of work 1

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 1

This field is required


Type the width of work 2

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 2

This field is required


Type the width of work 3

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 3

This field is required


Type the width of work 4

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 4

This field is required


Type the width of work 5

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 5

This field is required


Type the width of work 6

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 6

This field is required
if group edge aligned

to group edge

add set distance before edge

This field is required
if group center aligned

group section width

width of wall section for the group, eg. widest work + 2x set inter-work space

This field is required

prev edge to centerline

horizontal results

by alignment type