gallery wall layout calculator

input what you need to, choose the results you want

Install your artwork accurately using these calculators. The main calculator combines calculators to help with multiple works in a horizontal layout. "Solo" helps install individual works in any position. Use "horiz" for horizontal spacing and "vert" for vertical groups.

main calculator

clear main

picture hanging calculator diagram
picture hanging calculator diagram

step 1. plan setup


recommended process

  • plan your layout for one or more wall or wall sections
  • decide final number and arrangement of works and place works near their final positions
  • collect precise size and measurements of each work. PDF templates in help can be used for this

step 2: use horizontal spacing calculator to give more precise even inter-work and end spacings. Explore options to choose the right one for your situation. Key points like horizontal sections, group edges or centerlines can be marked on a wall using pencil or painter's tape

step 3 use vertical reference height, previous horizontal measurements and detailed work measurements to determine the location of fasteners for individual works. Vertical alignment options include top edges, mid-lines or lower edges. If a vertical group is in a work position use vert.

Type notes here

This field is required

choose measurement units

if inches, use decimal, eg. see details


1/16 = 0.063

1/8 = 0.125

3/16 = 0.188

1/4 = 0.25

5/16 = 0.313

3/8 = 0.375

7/16 = 0.438

1/2 = 0.5

9/16 = 0.563

5/8 = 0.625

11/16 = 0.688

3/4 = 0.75

13/16 = 0.813

7/8 = 0.875

15/16 = 0.938

step 2. horizontal spacing

  • enter section width and number of works
  • enter outer widths of all works in the section
  • outer width of a vertical group may be width of widest work in that position

options shown:

  • options are for symmetrical layouts
  • shown first is an even spacing for the wall section including first/end spaces
  • adjustments can be made to the layout including first and end spaces. An even space and total available space for ends are shown. The total available can be used to make asymmetrical layout in the wall section
  • alternatively just focus on the group's spacing and width without including any end spaces
  • distance to centerlines allows whole section or group to be marked out quickly.

Type total width of wall or wall section

This field is required

Type number of work positions on wall/section

This field is required

Type width of work 1

This field is required

Type width of work 2

This field is required

Type width of work 3

This field is required

Type width of work 4

This field is required

Type width of work 5

This field is required

Type width of work 6

This field is required

Type width of work 7

This field is required

Type width of work 8

This field is required

Type width of work 9

This field is required

Type total width of all other works if >9

This field is required
total width of works
space available between works
even space between all works including ends

adjust including ends

  • set inter-work calc first/end

    Type width of desired inter-work horizontal space

    This field is required
    even first/end space
    available for first/end spaces
  • set first/end calc inter-work

    Type width of desired first / end horizontal space

    This field is required
    even inter-work space

adjust not including ends

  • set inter-work calc group

    Type width of desired inter-work horizontal space for section with zero ends

    This field is required
    width of group
    available for first/end spaces
  • set group calc inter-work

    Type your target overall group width with zero ends

    This field is required
    even inter-work space

distance to centerlines

  • set inter-work calc centers

    Type width of desired inter-work horizontal space for horizontal group

    This field is required

    Type width of first / end space where measurement commences

    This field is required
    work #
    edge to 1st center
    1st to 2nd
    2nd to 3rd
    3rd to 4th
    4th to 5th
    5th to 6th
    6th to 7th
    7th to 8th
    8th to 9th
    9th to 10th
  • centerline to edge/fastener

    Type width of a works inside adjustment, applies to all vary for work#

    This field is required

    vary inside for work #

    work # center to edge center to fastener

step 3. individual works

  • enter work details: outer work dimensions
    • drop to fastener is to center of taught frame wire; or if 2 fasteners to top of D-rings; or stretcher depth eg. if on nails or screws. A negative drop can be used for outside fasteners, eg. pins in cloth tabs
    • inside adjust is for a two point hang only and is edges to D-ring centers; or, a set distance depending on installation method
  • enter vertical alignment or reference height
  • optionally add horizontal adjustments:
    • default zero (0) 'to previous edge' gives results table showing horizontals from work's own edge. When measuring from a previous work/edge add that distance
    • in addition to 'to previous edge' adjustment, an extra adjustment can be made if measuring 'to previous fastener'. Add previous work's distance to center; or, if using 2 fasteners, add previous work's inside adjustment. This is also useful for pre-planning.


Type aligment / reference height for works in decimal numbers e.g. mm or inches to 2 decimal places

This field is required

work details

Type width of work

This field is required

Type the height of work

This field is required

Type work drop to fastener

This field is required

Type inside adjustment for work if 2 fasteners used

This field is required


Type horizontal distance to previous work or wall edge

This field is required

Type inside adjustment from work edge to fastener of previous work, eg. to center fastener or to 2nd if two

This field is required

vertical results

horizontal results

  • to previous edge
    previous edge to center
    if two fasteners:
    previous edge to 1st fastener
    distance from 1st to 2nd fastener
    distance from centerline to fasteners
  • to previous fastener
    previous fastener to center
    if two fasteners:
    previous fastener to 1st fastener
    distance from 1st to 2nd fastener
    distance from centerline to fasteners

pemdas calculator

  • use mouse or tap buttons, then tap blue equals " = " button
  • expressions can also be entered directly into the result field using a keyboard, then tap blue equals " = " button
  • you can also convert tape measurements in fractional feet and inches to decimal (use format X' Y Z/W or Y Z/W), and decimal inches to fractional to the nearest common tape measure unit

clear buttons

  • data and results in main calculator are cleared by AC. Data and results in horiz, solo and vert are retained after pressing AC and have their own individual clear buttons. All data and results including horiz, solo and vert are cleared if you leave a page by pressing a blue page navigation button.

help and measuring notes template

  • help information and a notes template pdf illustrate measurements used. A pdf can be downloaded and used as a background in your notes app.

minimalist version

  • slim version with less text for when you get the hang of it

essentials calculator

  • essentials calculator, with horizontal spacing, vertical group and individual work calculators, and format allows on-screen tablet keyboards in landscape

horizontal spacing

  • use a pop-up lightbox to determine horizontal spacing options either including or excluding the first and end spaces of a wall section

solo works

  • use a pop-up lightbox to calculate measurements for a single work

vertical group

  • use a pop-up lightbox to help placement of works in a vertical group

print current setup

  • save current setup for reference using print

background color

  • this website uses local storage for your light and dark mode background color preferences. The data stored is purely for color personalization. It is not used for tracking or any other purpose. To delete a mode's stored color preference use "reset" button.

© 2025

tape of inputs

This field is required

Results area, expressions can be entered here

This field is required

fractional and decimal inches

Type your fractional input here

This field is required

Type your decimal input here

This field is required

  • extras

solo work

work details

work width

Type width of work

This field is required

work height

Type the height of work

This field is required

drop to fastener

Type work drop to fastener

This field is required

if 2, inside adjust

Type inside d-ring adjustment for work if 2 fasteners used

This field is required

vertical position

reference height

Type aligment height for works in decimal numbers e.g. mm or inches to 2 decimal places

This field is required

vertical results

horizontal adjustments

  • default zero (0) 'to previous edge' gives results table showing horizontals from solo work's own edge
  • if measuring from a previous edge ie. previous work or wall edge, add that distance

to previous edge

Type horizontal distance to previous work or wall edge

This field is required
  • in addition to 'to previous edge' adjustment, an extra adjustment can be made if measuring 'to previous fastener'
  • add previous work's distance to center; or, if using 2 fasteners, add previous work's inside adjustment

previous fastener adjustment

Type inside adjustment from work edge to fastener of previous work, eg. to center fastener or to 2nd if two

This field is required

horizontal results

  • to previous edge
    previous edge to center
    if two fasteners:
    previous edge to 1st fastener
    distance from 1st to 2nd fastener
    distance from centerline to fasteners
  • to previous fastener
    previous fastener to center
    if two fasteners:
    previous fastener to 1st fastener
    distance from 1st to 2nd fastener
    distance from centerline to fasteners

Type your note data here for printout

This field is required

decimal inch in sixteenths


1/16 = 0.063

1/8 = 0.125

3/16 = 0.188

1/4 = 0.25

5/16 = 0.313

3/8 = 0.375

7/16 = 0.438

1/2 = 0.5

9/16 = 0.563

5/8 = 0.625

11/16 = 0.688

3/4 = 0.75

13/16 = 0.813

7/8 = 0.875

15/16 = 0.938

horizontal spacing


Type total width of wall or wall section

This field is required

Type number of work positions on wall/section

This field is required

Type width of work 1

This field is required

Type width of work 2

This field is required

Type width of work 3

This field is required

Type width of work 4

This field is required

Type width of work 5

This field is required

Type width of work 6

This field is required

Type width of work 7

This field is required

Type width of work 8

This field is required

Type width of work 9

This field is required

Type total width of all other works if >9

This field is required

Type your note data here for printout

This field is required

horizontal results

total width of works
space available between works
even space between all works including ends

adjust including ends

  • set inter-work calc first/end

    Type width of desired inter-work horizontal space

    This field is required
    even first/end space
    available for first/end spaces
  • set first/end calc inter-work

    Type width of desired first / end horizontal space

    This field is required
    even inter-work space

adjust not including ends

  • set inter-work calc group

    Type width of desired inter-work horizontal space for section with zero ends

    This field is required
    width of group
    available for first/end spaces
  • set group calc inter-work

    Type your target overall group width with zero ends

    This field is required
    inter-work space

distance to centerlines

  • set inter-work calc centers

    Type width of desired inter-work horizontal space for horizontal group

    This field is required

    Type width of first / end space where measurement commences

    This field is required

    up to 10 works

    work #
    edge to 1st center
    1st to 2nd
    2nd to 3rd
    3rd to 4th
    4th to 5th
    5th to 6th
    6th to 7th
    7th to 8th
    8th to 9th
    9th to 10th
  • centerline to edge/fastener

    Type width of a works inside adjustment, not applies to all.

    This field is required

    vary inside for work #

    work # center to edge center to fastener

decimal inch in sixteenths


1/16 = 0.063

1/8 = 0.125

3/16 = 0.188

1/4 = 0.25

5/16 = 0.313

3/8 = 0.375

7/16 = 0.438

1/2 = 0.5

9/16 = 0.563

5/8 = 0.625

11/16 = 0.688

3/4 = 0.75

13/16 = 0.813

7/8 = 0.875

15/16 = 0.938

vertical group

group overview

reference height

Type aligment height for vertical group in decimal numbers e.g. mm or inches to 2 decimal places

This field is required

number of works

number of works in vertical group

This field is required

even vertical space

even vertical space between works

This field is required

Type your note data here for printout

This field is required

individual works

top-most work first
limit of 6
leave blank if unused

vertical inputs

work #

work height

drop to fastener


Type the vertical height of work 1

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 2

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 3

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 4

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 5

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required


Type the vertical height of work 6 and above

This field is required

drop to fastenerdrop to fastener

This field is required

group height

overall height

if target height

target group height

Type your target overall group height

This field is required

use new vertical space

horizontal inputs

work #

work width

inside adjust


Type the width of work 1

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 1

This field is required


Type the width of work 2

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 2

This field is required


Type the width of work 3

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 3

This field is required


Type the width of work 4

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 4

This field is required


Type the width of work 5

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 5

This field is required


Type the width of work 6

This field is required

Type the inside adjustment of work 6

This field is required

if group edge aligned

to group edge

add set distance before edge

This field is required

if group center aligned

group section width

width of wall section for the group, eg. widest work + 2x set inter-work space

This field is required

prev edge to centerline

vertical results

horizontal results

decimal inch in sixteenths


1/16 = 0.063

1/8 = 0.125

3/16 = 0.188

1/4 = 0.25

5/16 = 0.313

3/8 = 0.375

7/16 = 0.438

1/2 = 0.5

9/16 = 0.563

5/8 = 0.625

11/16 = 0.688

3/4 = 0.75

13/16 = 0.813

7/8 = 0.875

15/16 = 0.938

1. Overall wall setup notes

2. Horizontal spacing

Set section width =

Number of works =

Width 1 =

Width 5 =

Width 9 =

Width 2 =

Width 6 =

Width other =

Width 3 =

Width 7 =

Width 4 =

Width 8 =

Total width of works =

Total space available between works =

Even space between all works (inc ends) =

Options for end / inter-work space:

Set inter-work space = then first/end space =

Set first/end space = then inter-work space =

Set group inter-work = then group width =

3. Current individual work calculations

Alignment height =

Work width =

Work height =

Drop to fastener =

Inside adjust =

To previous edge =

Added previous inside adjust =

Vertical height of fastener(s) by alignment type

Mid-line aligned =

Top edges aligned =

Lower edges aligned =

Horizontal measurements

Previous work/edge to center =

If 2 fasteners, previous work/edge to 1st fastener =

Distance from 1st to 2nd fastener =

And, distance from centerline to fasteners =

To previous fastener

Previous work's fastener to center =

Previous work's fastener to 1st fastener =

1. inputs

work details

work width =

work height =

drop to fastener =

inside adjust =


reference height =


option to previous edge =

added previous inside adjust =

2. vertical results
a) mid-line at ref height

fastener height =

top edge height =

lower edge height =

b) top edge at ref height

fastener height =

mid-line height =

lower edge height =

c) lower edge at ref height

fastener height =

top edge height =

mid-line height =

3. horizontal results

to previous edge

previous work/edge to center =

if 2 fasteners, previous work/edge to 1st fastener =

distance from 1st to 2nd fastener =

and, distance from centerline to fasteners =

to previous fastener

previous work's fastener to center =

previous work's fastener to 1st fastener =